Incentives in Chambers County, Alabama
If you’re looking to locate a business in Chambers County, tax incentives and other financial resources may be tools that assists in making the decision. Incentives may be available for new, existing or expanding companies in Chambers County.
In addition to the incentives and resources listed below, the staff at the Chambers County Development Authority will work with each business to pursue any local incentives that may available.
Alabama Jobs Act
Jobs Credit
- Cash rebate of up to 3% annually of the previous year’s gross payroll (not including fringe benefits) for eligible employee who are Alabama residents for up to 10 years. Enhanced benefits include:
- Up to an additional 0.5% rebate on the wages of veterans for companies employing at least 12% veterans in their eligible workforce.
- Up to an additional 1% rebate for companies locating in a Targeted or Jumpstart County (provided below).
- Up to an additional 0.5% rebate for companies locating within a former active duty military base that was closed by BRAC.
- Up to an additional 2% rebate for Technology Companies.
Investment Credit
- Alabama tax credit of up to 1.5% annually of the qualified capital investment in a qualifying project for up to 10 years. Companies locating in a Targeted or Jumpstart County may receive the Investment Credit for up to 15 years. The Investment Credit may be taken against Alabama state income tax, financial institution excise tax, insurance premium tax and/or utility tax liability.
- The credit can be carried forward for five years.
- At the discretion of the Governor, the credit for the first 3 years may be transferred to another taxpayer for at least 85% of face value.
- Companies qualifying as Technology Companies and receiving receiving the increased Jobs Credit percentage are ineligible for the Investment Credit.
Training & Employment
Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT)
This statewide resource provides workforce training and recruitment programs to help companies locate or expand within Alabama. AIDT’s Total Workforce Delivery System has provided thousands of skilled, motivated employees to Alabama industries since 1971. AIDT offers comprehensive pre-employment selection and training, leadership development, on-the job training, maintenance assessments, and industrial safety assessments and training—many of which are industry-specific. AIDT’s unique workforce selection and training processes have achieved the world’s first ISO 9001:2000 certification for a state-funded workforce training program.
For more information, visit the AIDT website, the AIDT Robotics Center website, and the AIDT Maritime Center website.
Alabama Technology Network (ATN)
The Alabama Technology Network is a part of the Alabama Community College System and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. ATN’s team of experts help solve the needs of industry and business through innovative, sustainable, cost-effective solutions. ATN can conduct detailed needs assessments, outline potential solutions based on the results, and provide technical assistance to help you solve those problems or identify those who can.
For more information, visit ATN’s website.
Additional Training & Employment information
- Alabama Works
- Central Alabama Works Regional Workforce Council
- Alabama Department of Commerce Workforce Development Division
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- Go Build Alabama
- Alabama Department of Labor Workforce Development
- Alabama Labor Market Information
- Alabama State Employment Services
- Alabama Office of Apprenticeship
Southern Union State Community College (SUSCC)
Located in nearby Opelika, the technical division of the college is a mere 15 minutes from Chambers County. The Industry Training Center was made possible through a joint venture with Michelin North America. With ongoing programs in electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics, as well as a laboratory of high-tech Programmable Logic Controllers and Intelligent Motion Control equipment and customized courses for a variety of business needs, the Industry Training Center is poised on the cutting edge of manufacturing and corporate education. It also offers customized courses for companies in virtually any field. The programs are cost-effective and often more economical than in-house training or comparable regional or manufacturer courses.
Alabama Industrial Development Grant (Site Prep)
Counties, municipalities, local industrial development boards or authorities, economic development councils or authorities, airport authorities, port authorities or public corporations or certain state agencies or departments (Grantees) may apply to the State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) for industrial development grants. Grant funds provided to a Grantee to be used in the preparation of a Project Site may be utilized for (1) preparation of a means of access to the site; (2) provision for adequate drainage of the site to prevent the accumulation of excess natural waters thereon; (3) boundary and topographical surveying, clearing and grubbing, and excavating; (4) the reasonable rehabilitation of buildings and other structures; and (5) other work relative to site preparation deemed necessary or appropriate.
Assistance & Credit Programs
Companies in Chambers County can apply for grants, loans, and other assistance programs available through federal, state, and local government sources. Additional programs are funded by private providers, such as local foundations. Assistance may be available from counties and municipalities to be used for site preparation, infrastructure projects, and project financing. Contact the CCDA staff for more information.
Assistance and credit programs include:
Additional Tax Information
Corporate Income Taxes
- Rate is 6.5%
- Based on the net taxable income of business done in Alabama
- Businesses are permitted to deduct all of their federal taxes apportioned to Alabama.
Sales & Use Tax
- The state sales and use tax rates are 1.5% for manufacturing machinery, 2% for automobiles and 4% for all others, while Chambers County sales and use tax rates are both currently 1.0%. City rates vary and current rate information can be found in the City and County Tax Rates Section of the ADOR website.
Business Privilege Tax
- Based on a company’s net worth in Alabama and the company’s ability to pay
- Rate ranges from $.25 to $1.75 for each $1,000 of net worth in Alabama
- Minimum tax is $100
Real & Personal Property Tax
- Based on 20% of fair market value
- Includes, land, building, machinery, equipment, furniture, and other items.
Property Tax
- Alabama state property tax rate is 6.5mills (.0065%).
- Based on 20% of fair market value
- No local property taxes for inventory. Some exemptions apply for raw materials.
- County and city rates vary and current rate information can be found in the Property Tax Section of the ADOR website.
State Unemployment Tax
- Employer requirement for the state unemployment tax is based on the first $8,000 of each employee’s compensation.
- Rates vary from 0.44% to 6.04%
- New employer rate is 2.7%
- Rates are based on employer’s experience rating
- Employees do not contribute
Existing Industry Assistance
The Chambers County Development Authority is committed to the success of our existing industries.
Ansley Emfinger serves as the CCDA’s existing industry liaison. Contact her via email at ansley@chambersida.com or directly at her office at 334-642-1460. She works with companies to provide a number of resources, including:
- CCDA Industrial Directory
- Site visits and continued meetings with companies
- Employee drug screening options through local hospital
- Grant Program assistance
- Employee search assistance
- Expansion Incentives
- Employee Appreciation Day assistance
- Facilitation of energy audits through local power companies
- Other needs as they occur
- Locating housing
- Utilities hookups and locations
- Ways to get involved
- Location of English tutors/classes (if needed)
- School enrollment process
- License and Passport renewal assistance
- Community tours
Small Business Assistance
In Chambers County, small business owners are an important part of our community. The CCDA is available to assist these businesses with the information and resources they need to succeed.
Small Business Resources:
Tax Incentives & Abatements
Alabama offers different types of statutory tax incentives to new and existing qualifying businesses. In addition to state level incentives, local level incentives may be available for qualifying companies. Contact the CCDA for more information on local incentives.
Port & Rail Credit
Alabama Industrial Access
Road & Bridge Program
The Innovation Center
The Innovation Center is a collaborative partnership between the Circle of Care Center for Families and the Chambers County Development Authority. We aim to provide startup businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers the resources and space to run their business. From virtual office space to conference room rentals, we are here to help your business grow.